“The Greatest Love of All”
“You shall love God . . . and love your neighbor as yourself” Jesus the Christ
“I found the greatest love of all inside of me . . . learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all” Whitney Houston
It’s true, what Whitney sang. I wonder, did she believe it? If she did why was she so dependent upon what was, apparently, such an unhealthy lover? If she did, why did she turn to drugs, which eventually destroyed her, as part of her quest to be loved?
Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all. I wonder, do you believe it? If you do, why are you so dependent upon the external validation of other people and things? Why do you, why do I, seek to have our empty cups within us filled by a liquid elixir, a poisonous mixture, a toxic concoction of soul-sedatives that cause us to walk through life as zombies looking for love in all the wrong places?
Maybe it’s because we were raised by parents who didn’t love us, because they didn’t love themselves, because they weren’t loved by their parents. A vicious cycle in which the sins of the parents are visited upon ensuing generations.
Or maybe it’s because from the time we were children we were fed on a diet of untruths that were told by parents, family members, friends, teachers and the “faithful” that essentially conveyed the message that we were unlovable. That in and of ourselves we are not enough, we don’t measure up and can’t live up to the expectations that others, and God, have for us. This message comes through loud and clear by a society that reinforces the idea that unless we look better, study harder, perform perfectly, look glamorous, make more money, lose more weight or gain more status then we don’t quite measure up.
Or maybe it’s because we were told by that guy dressed up like God on Sunday morning that we were poor miserable sinners, and then were made to repeat that mantra over and over and over again until eventually it seeped into the deep recesses of our soul and sickened our spirits to death.
Whatever the reason a gaping hole opened up in our soul. It was the hole that couldn’t be filled with counter fit fixes, but only by the 24 carat love of God in which we were created.
“Jesus loves me, this I know . . .” (Ironically Whitney sang that as well in the movie “The Bodyguard”) was another song that many of us sang as children. A precious reminder that God not only loves others, and loves the world, but loves each of us also. It is the second greatest commandment according to Jesus, that we are to love God and ourselves! A friend recently pointed this out to me, that when Jesus says we are to love our neighbors as ourselves it doesn’t mean that we must narcissistically love them as much as we love ourselves, but rather that in order to love another person as God does we must first love ourselves as God loves us. Think about that. In order to love others, or God for that matter, we must first love ourselves. I wonder if that’s why people, even Christian people, are so unloving towards others—because we don’t really love ourselves?
What do you love about you? Take time to think about this. Maybe even write a list. Take time to meditate and contemplate upon it.
Why does God love you? (And God DOES love you!) Think about this for a moment. Is it because of all that you’ve done or accomplished? Is it because of who you have become in life? If you still think this read through 1 Corinthians 13 again and ponder Paul’s words. God loves you for YOU. God loved you before anyone else did—or didn’t. God loved you before you realized that you were loveable—and you did know this, at least for a time. God loved you before God gave you your life here and now, and God will love you long after your life here is finished.
The love of God is the Greatest Love of All. It needs not be sought for it is right here, dwelling inside of us. Have you found that greatest love of all, inside of you? Consider repeating the following: “I am loved. I am worthy of love. Therefore I am able to love myself and to love others as I love myself.” What wonderful life-affirming