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“The Spirit of Joy”

“They rejoiced with exceedingly great joy” Matthew 2:10 “Laughter lightens your load and lifts your heart into heavenly places.”  Sarah...

“The Fruit of the Spirit is Love”

(Part 2 of Galatians 5:22) “. . . And the greatest of these is love.” 1 Cor. 13 “Love gives...

“The Spirit”

“The wind blows as it wishes . . . so is everyone born of the Spirit.”  Jesus in John 3...

“No Fear of Love”

“Fear Not, for behold I bring you Good News of Great Joy.”  “I didn’t wander in the woods, Used to...

“Goodness or God-ness?”

“No one is good but God alone.”  Jesus of Nazareth “The highest virtue is to act without a sense of...

“The Many Faces of Love”

“Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus” John 11:5 “Looking at him, Jesus loved him.” Mark 10:21 Today I’m...

“Prayers of Loving Forgiveness”

“Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” “When you forgive some deeper, divine generosity takes...

“Prayer and The Father Potter”

“I Am . . .The Potter.  You are the clay.”  Jeremiah 18:1-6 “In prayer we journey forward to our origin. ...

“The Love of Prayer”

“Jesus, having loved His own, loved them to the end.”  John 13:1 “True prayer is nothing but love.”  St. Augustine...