“Entering into The Presence”

“Real Presence is eternity become radiant.”  John O’Donahue

“I go to prepare a place for you . . . I am with you always.”  Jesus the Christ

From the time we depart from God we long to return.  Whether or not we acknowledge this longing, believe in it, act on it or pursue it is not the point.  Deep within each of us is a longing for the Divine.  It is there. A longing desire to be in The Presence of The One whose Presence in which we were first conceived, and deep down in the very marrow of our bones and the secret places of our souls we still believe.  It is not unlike the desire to be in the presence of loved ones, especially those whose passing we mourn. 

Recently I was reminded of the importance of this Presence in a very powerful way.  My dear friend Greg passed from this life into the Presence of God.  He was suffering from a disease called Ataxia which slowly destroys one’s neurological functioning, and as a consequence the bodily functioning as well.  I had the privilege of being with Greg during the last months of his passing process.  We shared a number of fried chicken dinners—one of his favorites—and of course covered a wide range of topics in our conversations.  But I dare say what we both appreciated most was being in one another’s presence.  That is how Greg saw his passing from this life to the next, an exit from the presence of those in this world into The Presence of the radiance in eternity.  He spoke of how he longed to be in that Presence frequently, and now he is.

I have come to believe that this most accurately describes heaven—The Presence of God.  It seems to be the way that God describes it as well.  Throughout the Old Testament God appears and is in the presence of His people.  And for the most part when He is they are in heaven! 

That Presence of God becomes personal in Jesus.  He is called ‘Immanuel’, which means “God with us”.  He reminds His disciples that in Him the Kingdom of God is in their midst.  He longs to leave this earth and enter into the Presence of His Father, and yet promises to remain present with His followers.  Presence.

We long for many things in this life.  I used to think that was a bad thing; an indication of failing to be content.  But not anymore.  I now see our longing as an inchoate indication of our longing for something more substantive, more lasting, more satisfying.  A longing for The Presence of God.  A desire to be with God in the ineffable joy of eternity.

Peter Marshall once wrote, “We are mistaken to haunt cemeteries in order to feel the presence of those who have passed.  If they are with God, and God is with us, they cannot be far away.”

Though I love “haunting” cemeteries, I am convinced of what Marshall says.  The loved ones who have entered into The Presence are also present with us, in ways that we don’t recognize, understand, and often-times can’t explain.  I was reminded of Greg’s presence this past week when I spoke with someone who made reference to “The Ragamuffin Gospel”.  It was Greg’s favorite book and the moniker he chose to describe himself.  It made me not only think of Greg, but feel Greg’s presence.  And to a certain extent to prompt my longing to be in The Presence of God myself.  How about you?

I leave you with this beautiful poem about Presence from John O’Donahue.

May you awaken to the mystery of being here and enter into the quiet immensity of your own presence.

May you have joy and peace in the temple of your senses.

May you receive great encouragement when new frontiers beckon.

May you respond to the call of your gift and find courage to follow its path.

May the flame of anger free you from falsity.

May the warmth of heart keep your presence aflame and may anxiety never linger about you.

May your outer dignity mirror an inner dignity of soul.

May you take time to celebrate the quiet miracles that seek no attention.

May you be consoled in the secret symmetry of your soul.

May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.

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